
Kimberly Barta

Kimberly Barta is a seasoned financial expert with a wealth of experience in accounting, tax advisory, and financial coaching. With a strong educational background in public accounting and Main Street Certified Tax Advisory certification, Kimberly brings a depth of knowledge to her role at Custom Business Solutions, LLC.

Her dedication to helping individuals and small businesses achieve their financial goals is evident in her personalized approach and commitment to client success. With Kimberly by your side, you can trust that your financial journey is in capable hands.


Get Your Free Discovery Call

Thank you for booking your Free 15-minute discovery call with Custom Business Solutions LLC. The discovery call is intended to see if we are a “good fit” to work together. During this call I will explain how our firm works, our expectations from you and your expectations of us. Please take a moment to let us know what services you are interested in and provide us with any additional information that you think is relevant so that we can jump right in during the call.